Department Directory

We provide legal services to the City. Our team seeks opportunities to lawfully balance inequities that have long existed and repair imperfections in our systems.

City Manager’s Office

We oversee day-to-day management and operations of all City departments, develop the biennial budget, advise City Council on policy issues and keep our community informed.

Community Development

We provide building and permitting services, code compliance, land use planning and long-term planning.

Economic Prosperity and Housing

We oversee the City’s economic opportunity and development, business assistance functions, housing and human needs programs and parking services.

Financial and Management Services

We manage the financial planning and accounting for the City, including purchasing, accounts payable, business license and payroll services.

Human Resources

We support the employee experience. From recruiting all the way through to retirement, we hire, train, administer benefits, workplace wellness, safety, labor relations and more.

Mayor and City Council

Our seven-member City Council is a policy-making body elected by Vancouver voters. Council members, including the Mayor, are elected to serve four-year terms.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

We provide a variety of recreational opportunities for community members and visitors and preserve and enhance the rich heritage and natural beauty of our city.

Public Works

We keep your water clean and flowing, build and maintain streets, traffic signals, street signs and markings, and keep streetlights shining.

Vancouver Fire Department

We fight fires, provide state-of-the-art paramedic first response and work to protect and preserve life and property by preventing emergencies before they happen.

Vancouver Police Department

We partner with the community to preserve life, protect property and enhance livability by equitably enforcing laws and using resources effectively.