Donation Requests: 109 Companies That Donate Every Day

Raise more money for your non-profit! Our list contains the top 100+ companies that accept donation requests every day. Learn more!

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Abby Published September 7, 2021

Remember that old adage, “to whom much is given, much is expected?” Well, in a world that often seems to be driven by greed and the bottom dollar, there are still some generous companies out there who take this golden rule to heart. They are dedicated to giving back to the communities they serve, and some of them get pretty clever doing it! There are a plethora of ways that a corporation can give back to the community. Let’s Roam has provided more than $1,000,000 in in-kind donations to charitable organizations in the form of scavenger hunt vouchers, merchandise, and more! Other organizations pledge volunteer hours with non-profits, with some even going as far as to give their employees up to 7 days off a year to volunteer. Still, other corporations give back by matching employee donations. This policy used by GAP and American Eagle matches the contributions of employees up to a certain amount to their chosen non-profits. Other companies participate in grants and good old cash handouts received through donation requests. Many large corporations, like General Motors, have their own foundations dedicated to giving back and supporting community projects of their choice. Still, other corporations, like Adobe, choose to gift supplies that help increase the quality of life of others. Thousands of smaller companies like Alloy, Horizon, and Hint Water Company are a part of the amazing Pledge 1% Campaign. This ingenious platform allows companies to pledge 1% of their equity, time, profit, or product to a charity of their choice. Before we get to the list, let’s be real for a second. We all know many companies give back because they need a break from the IRS. That’s the down and dirty of it, but when digging into the whats, whys, and how muches of many of these companies, it becomes evident that some really do have a passion to make people’s lives better! However, and for whatever reason, they choose to do it, the fact is that without the support of these great givers many of our non-profits and charities would not be able to perform the incredible work they do, and our communities would suffer for sure. Let’s take a look at some of the great companies (in no particular order) that give back daily to better our environments.

Note: Some of the numbers in this report are astronomical, but remember that many of these large companies donate through their own foundations that are in themselves tax-exempt, under a 501(c)(3). So, those big numbers are often coming from donations and fundraisers, not out of the company’s own purse. That doesn’t mean they don’t give generously as a corporation as well though.

How the Let’s Roam Foundation Can Help Your Organization


1. Let’s Roam

Here at Let’s Roam, we love to donate! We’ve created the Let’s Roam Foundation to help give back to non-profits and charitable organizations that help improve their community in some way or another. In fact, 100% of eligible non-profits who apply will receive an in-kind charitable donation from us. We would love to support your non-profit with a donation package worth more than $300 that is perfect as a prize for raffles, silent auctions, and more. Apply now!

Grocery, Wholesale, and General Stores

2. Costco

Costco focuses its charitable giving on programs that support children, education, and health and human services. In a rare instance in the charity world, Costco only fulfills monetary requests. The requesting organization must be a registered 501(c)(3) and focus its efforts on one of the aforementioned areas of service. There are two levels of giving. The Warehouse Donations are for small charities and are handled by local warehouses, the donation request form can be printed online and taken to your local Costco. Large charities can apply online via the Grant Donation Form. Costco reportedly budgets 1% of pretax profits to charitable contributions. In the 2020 fiscal year, that totaled $48 million dollars given to disaster relief and hundred of other local organizations via their grant program.

3. Target

Target has a multi-faceted and generous giving platform. They have formed Target House, a very similar concept to Ronald McDonald House, which works with St. Jude’s Children Hospital. They also give corporate grants to disaster and hunger relief efforts and military and veteran affairs. Learn more about their corporate giving policy here.

4. Walmart

This worldwide megastore was, just a few decades ago, a homegrown Arkansas grocery store. Sam Walton was a strong community member, and though he is gone, his company still believes in helping to uphold the local communities where they are located. Walmart and The Walmart Foundation together give approximately $1 billion dollars annually to community projects and charities. That’s billion, with a B! That’s a lot of dough. They reportedly donate 600 million pounds of food products to registered food banks each year as well. Walmart’s giving ranges across many philanthropic initiatives, including a recent $10 million pledge to Hurricane Ida Relief. They are also seeking to be a no emissions facility by 2040 and have just signed the largest ever green bond, pledging $2 billion a year, for the next few years, to introduce new environmentally friendly solutions to nearly every part of their operating system. While not a true donation, it’s still a big chunk of change spent to help make our environment and future a little more sustainable.

5. Kroger

Kroger’s donation scheme operates through the Kroger Foundation and Zero Hunger|Zero Waste Foundation and focuses on non-profits active in the areas of “Zero Hunger | Zero Waste, Diversity & Inclusion, Health & Nutrition, and Stronger Communities.” Charities can earn money through their Kroger Community Rewards, which allows you to register a Kroger Shopper’s Card under your organization, and Kroger gives annually to the organization based on your spending. It’s an easy way to gain a few extra bucks. Kroger has given non-profits easy grant accessibility too. Non-profits can apply for a cash grant online with the Kroger donation request form. Kroger reports that they gave over $300 million in 2020, including $16.4 million in grants to over 340 requesting non-profits.

6. Whole Foods

Whole Foods reportedly gives 5% of their after-tax profit to charity, which is a pretty big percentage. They have an annual fundraising event through Whole Kids Foundation, where the store matches or even doubles customer contributions up to $1 million, and this money goes to improving food in schools in the US, Canada, and the UK. They also have a grant request system for non-profits that align with their core values and work in the communities where the stores are located. Whole Foods requests that forms be submitted at least 8 weeks before the date of the event for which you are requesting funds. If you’re struggling to come up with a good idea for your event, we’ve put together a list of unique and underused charity event ideas to help you brainstorm.


ALDI’s Corporate Responsibility program focuses on health and wellness initiatives for youth and children. ALDI works with several programs like Feeding America through their foundation ALDI Smart Kids. They also donated over 1 million meals over the school summer holiday in 2021, just in the UK alone. Non-profits can apply for a local grant online.

8. Wegmans

Wegmans has been in operation since 1916 and is a notoriously generous company. Their donation plan is multi-faceted and covers several areas of giving. The final numbers for 2020 are $2,903,743 given to hunger relief, $4,880,867 given to employee education scholarships, $8,484,087 given to the United Way through employee and company donations and customer scanning campaigns, $10,010,625 in community-wide donations and events, and 38.6 million meals donated to those in need. Requests for grants can be made through Wegman’s online request form.

9. Publix

Publix has a public grant program focusing on youth, hunger alleviation, and homelessness. Non-profits can apply using the Publix donation request form online. Donations are only available in the states that Publix serves. According to, Publix is the number one corporate donor to the United Way, with associates pledging $38.6 million and Publix Super Market Charities donating $25 million, for a 2019 total of $63.6 million. Pretty impressive Publix.

10. Casey’s General Store

Casey’s makes donations to nonprofit organizations that focus on hunger eradication and education, as well as, veteran affairs and first responders. Eligible charities can apply through their donation requests page.

Home Improvement Stores

11. Home Depot

Home Depot’s Community Impact Grant Program gives up to $5,000 to applicants who are pledged to community improvement. The grants are rewarded in the form of Home Depot gift cards. They also focus huge attention on Veteran care through The Foundation’s Veteran Housing Grants Program. This program routinely gives $100,000-$500,000 to companies building or repairing facilities for Veterans. According to Home Depot, since 2011, they have given over $375 million to Veterans causes. The company also participates in disaster relief, recently donating $1 million in necessary equipment to the Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, whose operating systems were devastated by Hurricane Ida.

12. Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply focuses its donations on farming and agriculture of course but also lays some serious cash into helping with Veteran affairs. They partner with several non-profits focused on animal care, agriculture, and Veteran care. Their Dogs on Deployment program pays for soldiers to house pets while they are away. They are huge supporters of the National 4H and High School FFA Programs. They also have a grant application for organizations working within these areas.

Pharmacies, Healthcare, and the Medical Industry

13. Gilead Sciences

For the last several calendar years, The Gilead Foundation has topped the leader board for charitable giving. According to multiple sources, Gilead often gives upwards of 3% of their pre-tax profits to charitable contributions! For 2020, that amounted to $409 million. Way to go Gilead!

14. Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson focuses their corporate philanthropy initiatives on prenatal and maternal health, children, and infants. They address needs including global disease eradication, increasing access to women’s health, and disaster relief. The company reportedly gives upwards of $1 billion a year at minimum to charitable foundations, but they do not accept unsolicited requests. J&J also gives $2 for every $1 that their employees donate to a valid 501c3.

15. SC Johnson

SC Johson has a pretty varied giving campaign. They accept grant requests for US agencies through their online platform, and they focus on any endeavor that increases the health or environmental sustainability of a community. Unlike many large companies, they do accept unsolicited grant applications, so apply away!

16. CVS

CVS has a wide range of philanthropic initiatives. They focus on cities where CVS operates and give $100 gift cards to eligible programs to be used on school supplies, water, personal care items, etc. CVS also gives larger community grants to chosen organizations. Learn more about grants here, or contact their Community Contacts team to find out about more giving initiatives in your area.

Restaurants and Food Production Companies

17. Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A is notoriously generous to non-profits. Their Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards give operators the ability to nominate a non-profit for a grant ranging from $50,000 to $350,000. This program has given over $12 million dollars to 171 non-profits, according to the company. In 2021, they are pledging to support Black-led, non-profit organizations that work in the areas of education, hunger relief, or homelessness. The Chick-fil-A Shared Table Program donates surplus food to local food pantries, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens, donating more than 10 million meals to date. Individual operators of Chick-fil-A restaurants also participate in all manner of fundraising and donation opportunities from Daddy-daughter date nights to giving a percentage of the drive-through profits to requesting non-profits. The options are limitless, so talk with your local restaurant staff to see what is available in your area.

18. McDonald’s

Mcdonald’s also does a corporate match program, matching any employee donation up to $5,000. The HACER National Scholarship Program has awarded more than $31.5 million in scholarships. The Ronald McDonald House Program has been providing housing and food for families with sick children since 1974. Two cents from every Happy Meal ordered goes to The Ronald McDonald House to support vulnerable families.

19. Starbucks

Starbucks has a Neighborhood Grants Program which allows operators to nominate a local non-profit. Since 2019, they have given away $5 million to local charities. Starbucks has also donated over $25 million to coffee and tea-growing initiatives all over the world, especially those that empower and employ women. They also generously respond to disasters, recently giving $200,000 to relief in Lebanon. They also have the oh-so-common employee match program and volunteer grant program.

20. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola has one of the most recognized organization names across the world. It also has one of the most generous employee match programs. They will TRIPLE the donation of any employee to a non-profit focused on education, arts, and cultures, or environmental affairs. Coca-Cola pledged 1.9% of its operating income to charities, with the 2020 numbers totaling $139.1 million, including $56 million to COVID-19 efforts, $13 million to education, and $10.4 million to Women’s Enablement. The Coca-Cola Foundation has given over $1.2 billion since its inception in 1984. Their Governance Report is also available in full on their website. Applications for Coca-Cola community grants can be found online. Obviously, Coca-Cola receives a huge volume of requests and cannot answer them all, but they do accept year-round requests. So give it a shot!

21. Pepsi

Pepsi also has a one-to-one match on employee giving up to an impressive $10,000. Pepsi’s response to COVID-19 has been enormous. Not only have they increased their employee match to COVID-related charities to 2-1, but they have donated a reported $71 million dollars to over 250 organizations caring for those affected by the pandemic. The PepsiCo Foundation also delivered more than 145 million meals in 2020. Much of their philanthropy focuses on the worldwide hunger problem and sustainability projects to end world hunger. Pepsi does accept requests for support and sponsorships via its website.

22. General Mills

General Mills matches employees (including retirees) donations up to $15,000 and they reportedly gave over $92 million to charitable causes in 2020. This included $41 million in global food donations, 7 billion meals delivered, and $3 million spent on the National Park System. Also, $21 million was awarded by grants through their General Mills Foundation.

23. Darden Restaurants

The Darden Group which includes restaurants like Longhorn Steakhouse and Olive Garden have an employee 1:1 match plan, but also they are committed to helping with the war on hunger. They have consistently donated to organizations like Feeding America with donations of $3-4.8 million per year for the last 5 years.

24. Blk and Bold

Online coffee manufacturer Blk and Bold is a Black-owned company that not only gives generously but was created to give generously. Their motto is to “make purpose popular,” and the company pledges to give a whopping 5% of their profits to charities that focus on at-risk youth, with the purpose of eradicating youth homelessness. Way to go guys! You’re awesome.

25. Thrive Market

From day one, Thrive online market has given away a membership to a family in need for every single membership purchased. The company is dedicated to making healthy food available for everyone! Families can apply for a free membership here. Thrive also works with non-profits like Foodcorps to better food equality. They have donated over 4.2 million meals and have also donated $1.7 million to COVID-19 initiatives and $600K to disaster relief. Check out their 2020 Impact Report! It’s a company you can feel good about purchasing from for sure!

26. Caroo (formerly SnackNation)

Caroo makes it easy for companies to recognize employees and appreciate customers with personalized gifting experiences that give back. The company offers a wide variety of fully custom and expertly-curated gifts, including their Amplify line that donates 5% of proceeds to select charities and highlights BIPOC- and women-founded brands. Caroo offers carbon neutral domestic shipping in partnership with Pachama and donates meals to Feeding America with every gift delivered. Since 2015, they have donated over 17 million meals and counting!

27. Ben and Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation offers grants to grassroots organizations based on a list of traits. Ben and Jerry’s gives priority to organizations working in social justice.

28. Cliff Bar

Cliff Bar Family Foundation gives to hundreds of small nonprofits working in the area of public health, food shortage, and environment. Find out more here.

29. Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts supports organizations working in hunger relief with their Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation which offers grants to food banks and similar food distribution programs. Check out their site to apply for a hunger relief grant.

30. Organic Valley

Organic Valley is a national farming cooperative that gives through the Power of We program. They offer a wide variety of sponsorship, grants, and product donations to nonprofits focused on research and organic farming initiatives. Learn more here.

31. Albertsons

Albertsons, a grocery chain donates through their Nourish Neighbors Campaign, which donates to nonprofits working in the area of hunger alleviation. Check out the details on their grant page.

32. Amy’s Kitchen

Amy’s Kitchen produces organic food and has a history of generous charitable giving in the neighborhoods in which they sell products. They give to food banks and nonprofits focused on racial equality, disaster relief, and organic agriculture. If your nonprofit fits the bill, find out more here!

33. Burger King

The franchisee Quality Dining, Inc. offers in-kind donations of food, coupons, and gift cards to nonprofits in areas where Burger Kind operates. Apply for donations via their online donation form.

34. Cracker Barrel

The Cracker Barrel Foundation gives directly to organizations that work with the US armed forces and veteran affairs. If your charity works in these areas, apply for your grant here.

35. Keurig/Dr. Pepper

KDP, a manufacturer of coffee, sodas, juices, and other beverages, donates to nonprofit organizations working in their areas. NPOs can apply for donations through their online portal.

Tech Companies and Electronics

36. eBay

eBay has an employee match program that matches any donation given to a non-profit by an eBay employee up to $2500. eBay also encourages employees to volunteer and has a grant program that gives away cash based on how many hours their employees volunteer with a charity. eBay also waives the fees for any non-profits and provides a few other small benefits through their program eBay for Charity. It’s more of a facilitator that helps non-profits with fundraising efforts and connects them with giving customers than an actual donation plan, but every little bit helps.

37. Amazon

Amazon is another company that gives out of its vast wealth in a plethora of ways. In the wake of COIVD-19, they partnered with food banks and used their fleets to deliver over 12 million meals to vulnerable families. They also have Amazon’s Housing Equity Fund that reportedly gives $2 billion annually in grants and below-market loans to help deserving families get a home of their own. Shopping through the AmazonSmile website or app gives you all the benefits of Amazon, except that 0.5% of your purchase will be donated to charity! Amazon says they also have donated more than $15 million in relief items, for more than 70 natural disasters, all over the world, since 2017.

38. Samsung

Samsung participates in the employee match program, but they also offer employees paid days off to volunteer. They have a Community Impact Grant that allows employees to nominate a charity for cash awards. Samsung is huge in the recycling game, reportedly recycling over 100 million pounds of waste a year. The Samsung: Hope for Children Foundation is a giant umbrella with several different non-profit partners focusing on equal education for children worldwide. Admittedly, there is so much going on in Samsung’s donation scheme that finding detailed information is difficult. Do better guys. However, they reportedly had already given $29 million to COVID relief efforts as of April 2020. They also provide the Global Goals App which helps you connect with the 17 initiatives set out by the United Nations to clean up our world by 2030.

39. Verizon

The Verizon Foundation is a big player in disaster relief giving. Just in the last couple of years, they have reportedly given $1 million to Habitat for Humanity for Hurricane Michael, $1 million for Hurricane Laura, $300,000 for West Coast Fires, and $250,000 to feed Texas during winter storms. In 2019, $8.4 million was given in Verizon’s employee match program. Verizon also gives generously to programs dedicated to “digital inclusion, climate protection, and human prosperity through its Grant Program.

40. GE

General Electric was the first company to roll out an employee match donation program, in 1954. They have consistently matched employee donations at a 1:1 rate, up to $5000/yr, ever since. The GE Foundation does not accept grant applications but instead seeks out partnerships with non-profits focused on health, education, and skills acquisition. GE has recently announced that it will fund a $100 million initiative to create the Next Engineers program which will focus on increasing diversity in engineering. The goal is to prepare 85,000 students, in 25 global cities, with college-readiness courses in engineering. They have a hand in everything from rebuilding schools in Vietnam with Habitat for Humanity to the treatment of COVID patients in India. The companies philanthropy platform is large, global, and varied.

41. Google

Google is another company with a large umbrella of philanthropic activities. They offer free grants up to $10,000 of free marketing for non-profits with the Google Ad Grants. They have one of the best employee match programs out there, and they offer seed funding to help new companies get off the ground! Google recently pledged $1 billion and 1 million employee volunteer hours, over the next 5 years, donated to charities involved in education, economic opportunity, and inclusion. They also recently gave $10 million to Goodwill, along with 1,000 volunteer hours, to help prepare the community for a different kind of work, with an initiative to improve digital skills.

42. Best Buy

Since its inception in 2007, Best Buy’s Community Grants Program has awarded more than $25 million in cash. Non-profits can apply online for grants. Best Buy prefers to keep its philanthropy focused on initiatives in technological education. Employees of Best Buy can also nominate a non-profit for smaller cash sums.

43. Adobe

Adobe generously donates its products to non-profits to help their operations go smoother. They reportedly donated $25 million in complementary products to over 55,000 organizations, across 27 countries, in 2019! Find out more about collaborating with Adobe.

44. Salesforce

We are truly impressed with the corporate responsibility of Salesforce. The company is dedicated to equity in education and racial and social justice. They have reportedly given $450 million in cash grants, on top of $1 billion in free and reduced products to charities and school programs. Not to mention, that their employees have also donated 6 million volunteer hours! They are also part of the Pledge 1% Campaign.

45. IBM

IBM has been a generous donor for decades. In 2020, the company delivered over 2 million employee volunteer hours, as well as $394 million in cash and technology grants. Much of the money was spent on STEM programs for girls in India and working with various NGOs to stop the cyber aspects of human trafficking.

46. Dell

Dell participates in giving that specializes in education, especially technology, and find a cure for pediatric cancer. They not only have an online request platform for charitable donations, but they also have a generous sponsorship program. Find out about Dell guidelines and apply here.

47. Intel

The Intel Foundation focuses on social justice and disaster relief. Nonprofits can contact them via email for information. Also register with Benevity to sign up for their employee match program. Learn more here.

48. Sony

Sony accepts donation requests with priority going to nonprofits that focus on art, culture, technology, and the environment. Sony only grants requests in writing with very specific guidelines. There is no online form. See Sony’s guidelines here.

49. Boeing

Boeing has a generous employee match program, and also gives charitable grants to chose nonprofits. Boeing has a large sponsorship program as well that accepts online requests via a written “inquiry for consideration.” More information here.

Clothing Companies

50. Patagonia

Patagonia has consistently donated 1% of its profits to grassroots organizations for the last 30 years. This has resulted in more than $140 million donated strictly to environmental preservation and restoration. Patagonia is making our world a little better 1% at a time.

51. Tom’s

From its inception, Tom’s was known for its giving platform. The shoe company has always donated a pair of shoes to a person in need for every pair purchased, but they do so much more than that. Tom’s has pledged to donate a whopping ⅓ of its profits to grassroots community endeavors that focus on “promoting mental health, ending gun violence, and increasing access to opportunity.” In 2019 and 2020, Tom’s gave away 7, 049,436 pairs of free shoes and $4, 436,000 in grants to 71 partners, in 28 countries. Wowza!

52. State Bags

State Bags is dedicated to American Kids. Not only do they have the #Whatdowetellthekids campaign that tackles hard subjects and how to educate our kids on social justice, racial equality, and all the other difficult stuff, they also have the most amazing bag drop rallies. State bags operates as a 1:1 corporation, donating a backpack, stuffed full of school supplies, to a needy kid, for every bag purchased. According to Forbes, State Bags has donated more than 200,000 bags and gives 20% of their profits to charitable donations. That’s pretty awesome!

53. Macy’s

Along with their employee gift matching and volunteer matching program, Macy’s has a grant program focusing on organizations that work in Arts and culture, education, environmental sustainability, HIV/AIDS, and women’s issues. In 2020, they reportedly gave over $7.6 million to eligible charities. Learn more here.

54. Athleta

Athleta works with The Women’s Sports Foundation in the Power of She Fund, which gives money to nonprofits who work in the area of women’s and girl’s sports. And, this is only one of their many grant programs. Find out more and apply for a grant here.

55. Ivory Ella

Ivory Ella makes clothes for a good cause, dedicating a whopping 10% of its profits to saving elephants! Their designs have donated over $1.3 million in recent years. Their giving platform is multi-fold including charitable sponsorships, employee match programs, and in-kind community donations.

56. Dick’s Sporting Goods

Through their Sports Matter Program Dicks helps school programs connect with donors and also has a nonprofit grant program that gives grants up to $25,000 to charities working in the area of sports. To see their guidelines and apply for a grant. Click here.

57. Levi Strauss

Levi Strauss has won numerous awards in the area of corporate philanthropy, including the “Best Corporate Donor of 2019.” They allocate $10 million per year to charitable giving grants. In 2019, they gave $1 million to a Strategic Response Fund that protects the civil liberties of immigrants, transgender, refugees, and religious minorities. Non-profits can apply for a grant online if they meet the grant requirements.

58. Nordstrom

Nordstrom donates 1% of its gift card sales to community-based nonprofits in the neighborhoods they serve. They give grants to selected charities and support their employee charitable match program. Learn more about their grant program here.

Oil and Energy Companies

59. Marathon

The Marathon Petroleum Foundation focuses on STEM education, public safety, and environmental concerns. If your nonprofits fits the bill, apply here.

60. Dominion Energy

Dominion Energy provides grants to charities that support the environment, human needs, community vitality, and education grants to further their work. Take their quiz and see if your organization is eligible for a grant.

61. Chesapeake Energy

Chesapeake Energy offers monetary and in-kind donations to nonprofits, including schools, in the communities to which they provide power. They specifically support STEM education, emergency response, and community development. Learn about their donation requests here.

62. Duke Energy

The Duke Energy Foundation grants funds to a wide variety of nonprofits. They offer year-round grants for qualifying NGOs. Get more info on their grant resources page.

63. Shell

Shell bases its charitable giving strategy on the communities it directly serves. Grant requests are accepted by invitation only. They fund vocational and technical schools, and projects that improve the communities where their employees live and work. They also fund several wildlife conservation efforts.

64. Chevron

Chevron gives generously to nonprofits serving Western Africa and US STEM educational programs. They do accept grant requests and sponsorship requests from eligible nonprofits. Learn more about Chevron’s grant guidelines here.

65. bp

The bp foundation gives community grants based on region. They also have an incredible employee match program, raising over $6 million in 2018 alone. They do not accept unsolicited requests. Learn more here.

66. Conoco Phillips

In 2020, Conoco Phillips donated $31.3 million to disaster relief, local contributions, and signature programs including the United Way, habitat and species conservation, STEM education, and higher education initiatives. They also gave $25.3 million to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Conoco Phillips has an online grant request program for qualifying non-profits.

67. Valero

In addition to many community-based fundraising and giving campaigns, Valero has a 40-year relationship with the United Way. They reportedly gave $58.5 million in charitable contributions for the year 2020.

68. Exxon Mobile

According to Exxon Mobile, the corporation gave $230 million in charitable donations in 2020. In addition, Exxon employees and retirees donated another $30 million through the company employee match program. Employees also put in more than 200,000 volunteer hours, in 2,200 locations, in 26 countries!


69. Delta

Delta commits 1% of its vast income to community projects annually. They focus on the areas of education and global health and wellness. In 2019, Delta committed over $55 million and 900,00 volunteer hours to community endeavors including YMCA, Juniors Achievement, and The American Red Cross.

70. American Airlines

American Airlines makes it easy with their online donation request form. They not only donate cash grants but also employee volunteer hours and airline miles to accepted non-profits. American Airlines also provides free airfare to Military members and families.

71. Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines partners with The American Red Cross and provides funding for American disaster relief. Non-profits can also apply for a grant from Southwest Airlines via the donation form. Last year alone, they issued more than 38,936 ticket donations for a value of $19 million. They also recently donated $3 million to COVID-relief efforts. Airlines were hit pretty hard by the pandemic, so these generous donations are even more impressive.

Financial and Insurance Corporations

72. State Farm

State Farm provides grants to nonprofits that are youth-led. They annually award $5 million to education institutions or nonprofits who apply for the grant. Grant requests can be from $25,000 to $100,000 and are decided upon by the Youth Advisory Board. They also reward any charity that an employee volunteers at for 40 hours a year, with a $500 bonus.

73. Bank of America

Bank of America donates by grant format. They have a small application window, as they receive a large number of requests. The area of charitable giving changes on a rotating basis. See their Charitable Foundation page for more information.

74. CitiGroup

CitiGroup focuses its initiatives on supporting low-income youth and young adults. They primarily work with those who want to start an income-generating business to catalyze job growth among this population. See their grant guidelines and apply here.

75. Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo focuses on housing affordability, financial health, and small business growth, along with projects that progress diversity and inclusion and environmental sustainability, through their Wells Fargo Regional Foundation. Community nonprofits can apply for local grants via their Local Grants Program.

76. State Street

Through the State Street Foundation, State Street offers grants to charities focused on education and employment for underprivileged youth and adults. Learn more here.

77. Merck

Merck focuses its corporate responsibility on attaining health equity for everyone. They give grants to nonprofits who work in critical health care shortages. Merck does not accept unsolicited proposals. They also have a generous employee donation and volunteer program, giving employees 40 hours of paid time off each year to volunteer.

78. JP Morgan

JP Morgan Chase has pledged to invest $1.75 billion by 2023 in the area of animal welfare, civic activities, community development, education, medical research, human and social services, and more. Review their grant application guidelines.

Automobile Companies

79. Toyota

Toyota focuses its giving strategy in the US on “workforce readiness, inclusive mobility, financial inclusion, and community resistance.” Toyota also matches employee donations to nonprofits. Toyota does accept grant applications through its online portal.

80. BMW

BMW Group accepts requests for sponsorship from nonprofits located in South Carolina. Applications can be submitted through their website.

81. Nissan

Nissan focuses its charitable strategy on organizations that promote cultural understanding. In its short history, it has given more than $12 million to over 150 nonprofits. Their Nissan Neighbors program focuses on in-kind donations to nonprofits working in education, environment, and humanitarian aid. Nissan Neighbors accepts grant applications year-round. To apply for a grant, visit the Nissan Neighbors Grant Request.

82. Honda

The Honda Foundation supports nonprofits in the area of STEM education, job training, literacy, and environmental issues. They have awarded more than $118 million to charities in every state. Apply for grants here.

83. General Motors

According to their 2020 Social Impact Report, teamGM Cares volunteered more than 115,000 hours to over 300 non-profits in 2020. GM also contributed to making healthcare PPE for the pandemic shortage. They created and donated over 9 million pieces of PPE. This along with other endeavors brought the 2020 total to $35 million in charitable donations. GM is proud to say that 65% of their charitable giving went to the organizations that service minority populations as well! Non-profits specializing in STEM education, Vehicle and Road Safety, Community Development, or Climate Equity can apply for a grant with the General Motors donation form.

84. Ford Motor Company

According to, Ford is one of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens, providing “more than $37 M annually in grants to non-profit organizations.” The Ford Fund has been in operation since 1949 and has given more than 2.1 billion in donations. In response to COVID-19, in 2020, they gave 3.7 million meals, $1.13 million, and 50 million face masks.

Other Companies That Donate to Non-Profits

85. Disney

In 2019, The Disney Foundation gave $338.2 million in cash and donations to non-profit organizations. Their giving mostly focuses on organizations that afford opportunities to kids and families, like The Make A Wish Foundation. Since 1995, The Disney Conservation Fund has also donated over $100 million to organizations to save wildlife.

86. Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Gives has reportedly given more than $1.8 billion in grants to over 8,000 non-profit organizations in its history, including over $30 million to COVID relief in communities hit especially hard by the pandemic. It has been reported by Digital Information World that Goldman Sachs gives approximately 2.5% of its pre-tax profits, totaling more than $280 million in 2020, and putting it at the top in terms of percentage giving.

87. UncommonGoods

Uncommon Goods sells artisan goods made from recycled material. It’s Better to Give Program donates $1 of every purchase made to a partner of your choice (from a list of already established partners). Since 2001, this has resulted in over $1 million in charitable donations. Shop at UncommonGoods to add to this number.

88. Tillamook County Creamery Association

The Tillamook County Creamery Association allocates four percent of its profits to NPOs in their communities. Charities should focus their efforts on food security, agriculture, and children’s health. See more and apply for donations via their online donation form.

89. Crayola

Crayola Cares works with local charities that promote artist growth in children. See regulations and apply on their Crayola Cares page.

90. Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble offers sponsorships, and donations to nonprofits that focus on art, literature, and education. Find out more here.

91. Big Lots

The Big Lots Foundation gives in several ways via in-kind donations, gift card sales, and cash gifts. They accept donation requests for charities working in the areas of housing, hunger relief, healthcare, and education. Apply here.

92. Build-A-Bear Foundation

Build-a-Bear is truly generous. Through its partnerships, it has donated more than $50 million in grants to local nonprofits. Most of this was given through in-kind donations of teddy bears to children in need. They accept donation requests for 200- 1000 furry friends via their online request platform.

93. SeaWorld

SeaWorld donates tickets to NPOs located in Florida, focusing on children, environmental efforts, and education. Submit your application at least 60 days in advance here.

94. Pura Vida Bracelets

Pura Vida is a company you can feel good about supporting. Not only does their company focus on sustainable employment for artisan communities all over the world, but it gives back big. Each purchase has helped to donate to over 200 charities, plant over 17,000 trees, give over $3.8 million to nonprofits, and $447,000 to disaster relief.

95. Soul Cycle

Soul Cycle hosts charity rides, raising more than $2.5 million for charities a year. For more information or to host a ride: please email [email protected] .

Companies that Offer In-Kind Donations

96. Let’s Roam

Not to toot our own horn, but we’ve provided more than $1,000,000 in in-kind donations since our company’s foundation in 2016! We’ve pledged to give in-kind donations packages worth more than $300 to 100% of eligible organizations that apply through our simple online form. Donation packages include scavenger hunt ticket vouchers and copies of our Adventures from Scratch books, perfect for use as prizes at any silent auction, raffle, or event.

97. Frontier Airlines

Frontier Airlines has a great grant program for flight vouchers. Non-profits can apply for vouchers online if they meet the requirements. Applications must be submitted 6 weeks prior to the trip. See grant guidelines here.

98. Jet Blue

Jet Blue has an in-kind giving program giving priority to nonprofits with priority given to organizations in New York, Boston, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and San Juan. They welcome requests through their online form, and grants are usually given in the form of travel certificates. They request that applications are submitted at least three months in advance.

99. Spirit Airlines

Spirit gives to nonprofits via in-kind donations. They focus efforts on charities that work in the health/medical fields, education, and military and veteran affairs. Apply here.

100. Panera

Panera Bread focuses its charitable giving on hunger relief through its Day-End Dough-Nation program. They give unsold bread and baked goods to local food banks and homeless shelters. They also provide gift cards and food donations as fundraisers for NPOs. Learn more.

101. JAKKS

Toy manufacturer JAKKS Pacific donates toys to charities that work with underprivileged children and animal welfare. Submit a donation request

102. LEGO

LEGO donates products from their incredibly successful line to appropriate nonprofit organizations. For more information contact LEGO product donation to put in a request.

103. Airbnb

Airbnb has pledged $100 million to nonprofits working in the communities of hosts over the next 10 years. They gave away their first $10 million in 2020 through their Community Fund. They also offer in-kind donations through their OpenHomes Campaign which provides temporary housing for people in conflict, illness, or natural disaster. All of this, on top of their employee match and volunteer program. Rocking it Airbnb.

104. Warby Parker

Warby Parker gives back through their “Buy a Pair, Give A Pair Program.” For each pair of fashionable eyeglasses sold, Warby Parker will donate a pair. Their Pupils Project also promotes vision care and provides free eye exams and prescription glasses. To date, they have donated more than 3 million pairs of glasses to those in need.

105. Honest Co.

Honest Co is a company dedicated to the highest ethical practices, and giving is in their nature. They focus on in-kind giving to disaster relief and community service non-profits. They have donated more than 50,000 personal care products and 3 million diapers to those affected by COVID-19 and over 25 million personal care items through their partner nonprofits. Find out more here.

106. American Eagle

American Eagle gives back by donating $25 gift cards to events focused on youth and teenagers. High School, College, and non-profit fundraisers are all eligible. Gift card guidelines can be found here. In 2020, AEO also gave $495,000 in grants to community-based organizations. Find out more here.

107. Kohl’s

Kohl’s practices in-kind giving by its Kohl’s Cares Fundraising Gift Cards. Gift cards can be purchased by organizations serving youth for a discounted price and then resold for profit at market value. Learn more here.

Do you know an amazing company that is devoted to giving back? Let us know in the comments!

Apply for Your In-Kind Donation Package from Let’s Roam

Don’t forget to fill out this form to receive your in-kind donation package of scavenger hunt admission passes, Adventures from Scratch books, and more! 100% of eligible non-profit organizations that apply are guaranteed to receive a donation from the Let’s Roam Foundation. What are you waiting for? Get your donation package worth more than $300 now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Companies That Donate The Most To Non-Profits and Charities

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What companies rank the highest in corporate social responsibility and charitable giving? Corporate social responsibility has become a keyword for running a successful 21st-century business. Gone are the days of just making money. Corporations like Tom’s, State Bags, and Patagonia are leading the way in giving back. They are creating cultures with strong ties to the community, a deep devotion to bettering society, and are working to engage employees to do the same.

What is a good percentage of profit for a business to donate to charity? Many businesses have taken on the 1% challenge, pledging to donate one percent of their income or products. Some of the most generous companies like Goldman Sachs and Gilead routinely donate 2.5-2.9% of their pre-tax profit.

What are some ways for businesses to donate to charities? There are several ways for businesses to donate to non-profits. Many organizations match employee contributions. Others participate in cash grants, while other larger corporations have a fund dedicated to raising money for community needs. Smaller companies can consider organizing volunteer events to help a local charity.