160+ Environmental Science Solved MCQs

In an ecotone, the species which become abundant are called:

The objective of Environment studies is

Which of the following is not influenced by human activities?

Which of the following is management option for air pollution?

Development activities on the hydrosphere cause

The species restricted to be present in one region are called

The basic requirements of human beings are provided by

Environment is the life support system that includes

The term ‘Environment’ has been derived from the French word which means to encircle or surround

Biosphere is

Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent Oxygen by

The word ‘Environment’ is derived from

Which among the following is a climatic factor?

World environment day is on:

Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?

Sustainable development means

The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialization is

Sustainable development will not aim at

The adverse effect of modern agriculture is

Soil erosion removes surface soil which contains

Water logging is a phenomenon in which

The impact of construction of dams

What would you do to prevent environmental damage

Environmental impact assessment

Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agricultural practice?

A herbivore is also known as a

A product of photosynthesis is

Primary source of energy in a food web is/are

A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the same time refers to a

Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter

The true end of any food chain is the

The second trophic level in a lake is

Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession

Energy flow in an ecosystem is

Which of the following is an example of a man-made ecosystem

Pyramid of energy in a pond ecosystem is always

If in a population, natality is balanced by mortality, then there will be

In a pyramid of numbers in grassland ecosystems, the largest population is that of

Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food chain

The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation indicates that

Which of the ecological pyramid is always upright

Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle

Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of

The upright pyramid of numbers is absent in

The final stable community in ecological succession is

Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called

Hydrarch succession takes place in

Which of the following is a fossil fuel?

Which of the following is not an inexhaustible form of energy?

Biogas contains mainly

The burning of fossil fuels releases a large amount of

A poisonous gas given out of a vehicle exhaust is

The purest form of coal is

Which one of the following is used as a refrigerant?

Loss of forest has led to

What are the consequences of excessive mining in an area?

Resources which are directly derived from nature are referred to as

Resources that take too long a period of time to be used as a resource are called as

The fossil fuel that is derived from the dead remains of plants that grew some 250 million years ago is

A resource that cannot be replaced in a reasonably short time is usually referred to as

Manmade resources are alternative to natural resources for a variety of reasons. Which of these would not be one of those?

Which of these is not a fossil fuel?

A liquid fuel that was formed from the ancient remains of sea plants and animals is

Energy in the rays from the sun is called

Which is a list of renewable resources?

Energy from the heat inside the earth is

A coal deposit that is not economical to mine today would be considered part of our ___________

Which out of the following are the causes of soil erosion?

The process of restoring forests that once existed but was removed at some time in the past is known as

Red data book contains data of

IUCN Headquarters is at

Which of the following regions has the maximum diversity?

The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is

Dodo is

Blue whale is placed under

Conservation within the natural habitat is

Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?

Ex-situ conservation includes

Hotspots are regions of high

Endemic species are

Which one of the following has the maximum genetic diversity in India?

Which one of the following regions in India is a hotspot of biodiversity?

Darwin’s finches are a good example of

Which group of vertebrates comprises of highest number of species

5th June is observed as

The unfavorable alteration of environment by human activities is termed as

Biogas contains mainly

Main source of acid rain is

Treated water can be disinfected by adding

The burning of fossil fuels releases large amount of

Which of the following does not causes air pollution when used for heating purposes

A pH of rainwater is

A poisonous gas given out of vehicles exhaust is

A common bactericide used in swimming pools is

Greenhouse effect is linked to

Disposable glasses and plates are made up of

Aerosols consisting of solid particles produced by combustion

Which of the following are consequences of ozone depletion

Which out of the following is a measure to control air pollution

The discharge of warm/hot water directly into rivers is known as

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